Older Process and Sketches

Aug. 26

I’ve just about completed this portrait of my parents’ dog Ziggy, done from a drawing I did of her earlier in the summer:


Two things from my sketchbook from my trip to Maine and Canada

June 15

Did these drawings for kids to color as an activity at a wedding in the adirondacks…



Got a commission for a stained glass necklace with purple roses, so I’ve been working on the design for that, this is what I have so far:

Negative space shapes aren’t drawn in on this copy, and a couple of the pieces are gonna be divided to accomodate my abilities with glass cutting.

Been working on a stained glass project over the last few days, it’s for a bib necklace, thought I’d show my steps from the subject to the completed piece:

Cut some forsythia and other little budding things from my yard for my subject:

Then did a simple drawing of it:

Used tracing paper to redraw even simpler and in a better composition

Then more tracing paper to take out the actual shapes for the glass for each color:

resulting, altogether, with this pattern:

which I think is really pretty.

traced from the pattern onto the glass, cut the pieces out

ground them down, fit them together

reground a LOT

and finally wrapped the finished pieces in copper foil and soldered them together:

And I just finished putting pretty much all the pieces together, this is about what itll look like:

and here it is:


Went to Charlotte, NC recently and had a one-day glass workshop, made these pieces:

The first is a foil&solder stained glass portrait of my parents’ dog Ziggy, and the second is a fused shallow bowl.


new portrait of my muse, Nez

I read an interview in Art Voices magazine with Nathan Cartwright from Hive, and he said that he was looking for smaller illustrative works, and that ability to draw the human figure was very important to the works he was looking for. So I thought I’d do some figure drawing practice to hone my skill a little, some were more successful than others, especially once I warmed up. Think these took about ten minutes each. Blacked out faces I didn’t like. These are drawn from a book called Virtual Pose 3.

three quick  portraits..



Obviously in my reproduction everything is flipped horizontally… hopefully the symbolism of the people in the midground going counterclockwise isn’t too important…

I also just completed another house commission, the first one in the gallery.

(earlier in February)

So one of the projects I am working on right now is some etchings of Heironymus Bosch’s Garden of Earthly delights, colored with watercolor.  About halfway finished coloring the first one, here are a couple of closeups of it:

I will probably put another wash of color over the green to darken it. Imagine the gray water is greenish, I already changed that.